Working In Reception Tips

Receptionists, Phone Call, Hotel, Reception, Woman, Man
Image from Pixabay

In my previous posts, I said that I just got a part-time job. It is a reception/front desk kind of job. I do have more than 4 years of experience under my belt. I thought I would share some tips for able-bodied and disabled people alike.

Learning to have a switch:

It can be a stressful environment since you’re the first person that visitors will see when entering the company or department. Something I had to learn to do is switch off my personal issues at work and vice versa.

Don’t take it personally;

Blogging helped me with this one because the hate comments come from people who don’t know me personally. You don’t know what the people in front of you or on the phone is feeling. Brushing words off your shoulders is a way to protect yourself.

Learn to multi-task:

More often than not, you will have to do more than one task at a time. So, keep a notepad handy, or in my case, since I can’t write by hand, I take online notes. Even with a good memory, I still can’t remember all the numbers from the calls I take. Especially where I work since calls come in back-to-back.

The best advice I can give you is to keep a smile on your face no matter what. It’s the best way to keep everyone in good spirits! Are you interested in knowing how to make a workplace more accessible for everyone? Let me know in the comments!


7 thoughts on “Working In Reception Tips

  1. Alex,I am so impressed with your attitude at work. And while you write more on the accessibility at work, I am just doing the same for when people who are wheelchair-bound go shopping and the situations we face. So that is great slowly we can give insight into these 2 challenges we face every day.

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  2. The problem is when my work gives me tasks that are not in my usual daily roundup, I can’t keep my phone on me to jot them down, and paper is hard to come by on the floor. When someone asks why I forget so often, I remind them I have a poor short-term memory, and notebooks, PDAs, and smartphones are what aid me, if not daily repetition to the point it’s a habit, not something I have to constantly think about. Most people get that; it’s the person I work with on the daily who hates that as someone “young” I “should be able to remember better”. I don’t buy that bull. Lots of us, even those who are neurotypical, able-bodied, and in their prime can still have short-term memory issues. Either let me write things down somewhere (I have taken to writing on my uniform at times, something I never did as a teen in the age before smartphones), or don’t get pissy if I ask if I got everything done.

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