Sunshine Blogger Award #4

Sunshine Blogger Award - The Fearless Foreigner

Hey Guys,

I know that starting the month with an award post isn’t a great idea, but if I don’t do it I’ll forget about it, and it’s not fair on the blogger who nominated me, in this case, Holly’s World.


(1) Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.

(2) Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

(3) Nominate 11 people and ask them new 11 questions.

(4) Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their posts.

(5) List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award in your post.


Holly’s Question:

  1. What is your favorite part of the day?


  1. Describe yourself in one word:


  1. What is the funniest joke, you know?

I don’t need to reserve a seat because I come with one.

  1. How are you dealing with the covid-19 pandemic?

A way to describe it as a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs.

  1. What is the weirdest thing you have ever dreamt?

Driving in a flying car.

  1. Would you rather be able to fly or be completely invisible for one day?


  1. Who is your hero?

LGBT activists.

  1. Have you ever dyed your hair?

Red and loved it.

  1. If you had to become an inanimate object for one year, what would you be?

A book, so I can try to comfort someone.

  1. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

On my laptop, I have a sticker that says wheelie queer.

  1. If you had just five minutes with me, what would you want to do?
    Bonus question: Would you rather swim with a goose or a turtle?

Write a post with you!


My Questions:

One life lesson you want to share?

The next book/movie you want to read/watch?

What’s your wish for the world?

What’s your dream job?

What’s the aminal you can connect with the most?

Ever been on holiday and if yes, where?

The most thing you use?

Something you want to do before the end of 2020?

Your go-to drink?

Favourite childhood cartoon?

What’s one thing you do to uplift yourself?


I Nominate

She Just Wanted To Read

Pretty Purple Polka Dots

The Biblioshelf

Sarada Gray

Megan’s Book Review

I know it’s not 11 people, but I tried.




16 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award #4

  1. I was tagged to do this awhile ago and completely forgot so thank you for the reminder! 😉
    I like your answers, I’ve never heard that joke before and it’s a really great one.


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