The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

As I said in my wrap-up, I have been looking forward to Spring-related posts and tags. Do I have posts that need to be done before this? Yes, but I made a promise to myself not to pressure myself about what to blog and how much so a book tag I’m in the mood for, so that’s what I’m planning and writing. The creator of the Spring Cleaning Tag is Amanda from Between the Shelves, so let’s go into the questions.

Tag rules:

  • Link back to the original post
  • Tag as many friends as you want (the part I’m worried about).
  • Have fun!

Getting Started: A book series you’ve been wanting to read

Goodreads Blurb:

Who knew pretending could be so hot?

It started as a joke. After all, I’d never pretend to date a woman just to get my mom and sister off my back.

I would, however, pretend to date her to get her ex-husband off hers.

Now the two of us, the wilderness warrior and the wedding planner, are stuck sharing a very small tent. I had no idea how fast things would heat up in here, or how hard it would be to keep my hands—among other things—to myself.

I also didn’t guess how quickly the news of our “relationship” would spread to my big, nosy family.

We can’t “break up” yet, because she’s planning my brother’s wedding and I’m his best man. Through venue visits, DIY disasters, and Vegas trips, we’re thrown together, and the chemistry’s off-the-charts. But the kicker is, I feel like she gets me.

Maybe that’s what scares me the most. I’m still reeling from the loss of my wife, and she’s still hurting from her ex’s betrayal. There’s no way this can ever be real.

But what if I’m starting to hope it is?

The Wilder Adventures series by Serena Bell. I just finished Wilder with Me since it was free on Amazon, and I read it, which means that I read three out of five novels, so I looked for the other two and found them.

Cleaning/Organizing the Closet: The best way to organize books

I like how you can see the booked paired by series when you search on the site for your Kindle content since I’m someone who needs their books with all the time.

Getting rid of unnecessary things: Books/series you no longer need

I still have way too many books on my Kindle that I will never read, so they need to be removed. One of Readathin’s prompts is to clutter something, so an unhaul post is coming in the next few days.

 Get Some Air: Your favorite light-hearted read

Goodreads Blurb:

According to Grant Holiday there are two kinds of people in the world: those who follow the rules and those who should stay the heck out of his forest.
Alone in the woods with forest ranger Grant Holiday scowling down at me is not the way I prefer to start my day. So what if he’s lean and fit and his eyes are this gorgeous shade of…

It doesn’t matter because he’s making my tough week, heck my tough month, worse. It might be true I spent half the night at a campsite without paying, but I didn’t even sleep. Shouldn’t star gazing be free?

But Grant insists on making me pay even though it’s his day off and I don’t have a cent to my name.

When I get lost in the woods and Grant saves my life, I joke that our souls are now forever bonded. He doesn’t laugh. It’s not apparent he has a sense of humor.

A smart woman would lie low, try to follow the rules, and avoid Grant Holiday, but he just keeps showing up and pointing out every rule I’m breaking, whether I’m rescuing an injured skunk or accepting a job at his brother’s bookstore.

He’s the last person I want to see every day until… he isn’t.

I’ve got trust issues, and he’s still in love with his ex. We should never work as a couple, but I can’t deny the attraction brewing between us. An attraction that might just go soul deep.

Clean out the kitchen cupboards: Favourite food-themed read

Goodreads Blurb:

An actor researching a role. A cupcake cake shop owner with a broken heart. Can he convince her she’s more than a stand-in heroine?

Cassidy Erickson refuses to obsess over the fame-chasing ex-fiancé who left her at the altar. Instead, she’s focused on making her new cupcake shop a success. Then the unthinkable happens. Jase Larson—A-list actor and co-star of her heartless ex—shows up at the family ranch to research an upcoming role.

Jase’s career is taking off, but years of chasing the perfect role hasn’t filled the emptiness in his heart. When he visits Sunset Plains to prepare for a cowboy film, it feels like the place he was always meant to be—especially when he meets Cassidy, the stunning cupcake shop owner who can’t seem to stand him. Too bad it’s all temporary and he’s returning to Hollywood in a month.

When a freak lighting storm fries the appliances at Cassidy’s cupcake shop, Jase becomes her unexpected hero. But Cassidy can’t shake the fear that she’s just a fill-in heroine. Can Jase convince her that he’s really a country boy at heart before he loses her forever?

Dust the shelves: What’s the fifth book on your bookshelf?

Goodreads Blurb:

Three things I know for sure:
1) I hate Charles Cavendish.
2) I hate Charles Cavendish.
3) Oh, and did I mention I hate Charles Cavendish?

Rich. Over-privileged. Smug. The guy’s far too good looking for his own good, and he’s always got that smirk teasing at the edges of his mouth, telling me what he thinks of me.

And now, my worst nightmare has come true.

Charles Cavendish has moved into my building which means I can’t avoid seeing him everywhere I go. He’s always there, judging me, especially when I come in late at night. Hey, I can’t help it if my “single American girl in London” writing gig means I’ve got to check out every new club in town. Charles is so tightly wound he goes to work before the birds have chirped their first good morning.

He needs to loosen up. Live a little. Actually, I don’t care what he does, just as long as he does it nowhere near me. Because I hate him with the heat of a thousand suns. And I always will.

Only now I’m stuck in an elevator with him.

On Christmas Eve.


What’s the worst that could happen?

Wishing for the end: A 2024 release you’re really excited about

Goodreads Blurb:

Jackson Ghasnavi is a lot of things—a techie, a smoothie afficionado, a totally not obsessive list-maker—but one thing he’s not is a romantic. And why would he be? He’s already had a front row seat to his parents’ divorce and picked up the pieces of his sister Jasmine’s broken heart one too many times.

No, Jackson is perfectly happy living life behind the scenes—he is a stage manager, after all—and keeping his romantic exploits limited to the breakup lists he makes for Jasmine, which chronicle every flaw (real or imagined) of her various and sundry exes.

Enter the senior swim captain turned leading man that neither of the Ghasnavi siblings stop thinking about. Not that Jackson has a crush, of course. Jasmine is already setting her sights on him and he’s probably—no, definitely—straight anyway.

So why does the idea of eventually writing a breakup list for him feel so impossible?

Goodreads Blurb:

Sister Holiday is back with a newly minted PI apprentice certificate, a twisty mystery to solve, and something to prove in this fast-paced, blistering follow-up to Scorched Grace.

Tattooed from her neck to her toes and sporting a gold tooth as sharp as her wisecracks, Sister Holiday struggles to stay on the righteous path. Never one to make things easy for herself, she’s committed to taking her permanent vows with the Sisters of the Sublime Blood and joining former fire inspector Magnolia Riveaux’s latest venture, Redemption Detective Agency―both in service of satisfying her eternal quest for answers.

When Sister Holiday and Riveaux set out to bust a philandering husband, they instead find the body of a priest floating in the swollen Mississippi River, and with it, Redemption’s next case. It’s significantly more gruesome than their orig­inal mission, but Sister Holiday feels called on by God to hunt down the murderer and keep her community safe.

As a torrential rainstorm drowns New Orleans for three harrowing days over Easter weekend, Sister Holiday and Riveaux follow the clues. With the stakes rising alongside the relentless floodwaters, our favorite punk nun-sleuth throws herself into the deep end yet again.

Long but satisfying: The longest book series you’ve read.

I read about 20 novels from the series Murder In The Mix by Addison Moore, but the series is about 49 books, and more are coming out this year, but I’m bored with Lottie (the main character), so I don’t think I will continue with the series.


Hannah from The Bookworm Feast

The book Dragon

Books Less Travelled

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